Forza offer the opportunity to train with former top players and coaches to give you the experience of a lifetime.
The Coach / Player will travel to your club to conduct a day’s training which will mirror the type of training of all professional players.
This experience consists of 5 five hour coaching sessions where both routines and match play will take place. This session will show the participants how Technical / Tactical / Mental and Physical elements interact to make improvement very rapid.
The emphasis is on singles play and if this is something that your Club is interested in then please contact Forza at or call Steve Butler on 07771894555
The cost for this experience is £25 per person with a minimum number of 16 participants. This cost includes travel but court costs are the responsibility of the club.
Forza also offers Coach Education sessions to help coaches develop their knowledge of singles play. The cost is determined by the number of coaches taking part on the day.
Please call with any questions that you may have.